New Technologies in Education ©

Mat Wright, British Council Photos

The New Technologies in Education Conference (25-26 February 2014) was a joint project between the British Council in Serbia, UKTI Serbia/British Embassy, Serbian Ministry of Internal and External Trade and Telecommunications, Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Team for Social Inclusion and Reduction of Poverty and Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

The aim of the conference was to help those involved in the Serbian education sector (teaching and non-teaching members of staff in Serbian schools and anyone involved in the education policy-making process) to modernise educational processes and to improve implementation of new technologies in the classroom. 

Key topics covered during the conference included: 

  • strategic approach and supporting the development of ICT use in schools
  • technology and equipment – availability and opportunities
  • digital teaching materials and studying through the internet
  • development of competencies and professional development for teachers for using ICT in the classroom
  • innovations in teaching using ICT

The conference was attended by more than 1,000 participants and was followed by a fair, at which both UK and Serbian companies presented their new technology solutions.

The Gold Partner of the conference was company Klett. The Technical Partner of the conference was Microsoft. The application process and mobile app for the conference was provided by TalkB2B.

If you have any questions about the conference, please get in touch with Aleksandar Borisavljević or tweet using hashtag #novetehnologije.

You can download the conference presentations from the following links.

The Gold Partner of the conference - company Klett

External links