Organisations working in creative and digital industries are becoming critical for the development of local communities. We have analysed the needs of 129 digital businesses in the Western Balkans and developed an intensive mobility and capacity development programme to connect and strengthen digital industry collaboration between the UK and the Western Balkans.

We aim to develop the capacities of hubs, start-ups and small and medium enterprises working in creative industries, technology and education in the Western Balkans and to initiate mutual collaboration with the UK .

Representatives from 50 digital hubs and 24 cities have joined the project to support the development of the Western Balkans through policy dialogues.

Digital Cities project is funded by the UK Government and implemented by British Council in partnership with Creative England and Culture Code across 6 countries of Western Balkans and United Kingdom.


  • Kick off conference for policy makers and industry professionals in WB, building on the UK experience and case studies. 
  • UK-WB policy dialogue and networking for City administrations engaged in digital policy and strategy development.
  • Digital Industries capacity development and networking programme for UK and WB digital professionals. 
  • Digital bootcamp for professionals from 39 WB Hubs and SMEs.
  • Mobility scheme for WB and UK digital professionals to include shadowing, knowledge sharing, exchange, skills and collaboration development. 
  • Short intensive collaboration projects between UK and WB in the area of digitalising cities, innovation in creative industries and digital education. 
  • Final conference bringing together UK and WB professionals and policy makers to present existing collaboration projects and open up opportunities for continued relationships in digital industries.

Read on to learn more about the project: